Disclosure Policy

We disclose information in an appropriate and fair manner not only to obtain the trust of our shareholders, investors and other stakeholders but also to ensure that our corporate value is appropriately reflected in capital market valuations.​

Information to be disclosed​

We will disclose information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as rules on timely disclosure of corporate information stipulated in regulations of the exchanges on which our shares are listed. In addition, we will disclose information that we consider to be valuable to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders even if the information is not subject to the timely disclosure rules.​

Disclosure Method​

Information subject to the timely disclosure rules will be posted on our website promptly after it is disclosed via Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information that is not subject to the timely disclosure rules will also be widely disclosed by posting it on our website, etc.​

Future Outlook​

The outlook for future performance disclosed by GLTECHNO HOLDINGS INC. is based on information available at the time of disclosure and on certain assumptions considered to be reasonable.​

Actual results may differ significantly from the forecast due to various risk factors and uncertainties.​

Quiet Period for IR Activities​

In order to prevent leaks of financial information and ensure fairness, we have designated the period from the last day of each fiscal year until the announcement date of the financial results as a quiet period, and as a general rule, refrains from answering questions or making comments regarding financial results.​

However, even during this quiet period, if there is a prospect of a significant difference between our earnings forecasts and our actual performance, we will make an appropriate announcement in accordance with disclosure rules.​

Even during the quiet period, we will respond to inquiries regarding information that has already been publicly disclosed.​