

Compliance is extremely important in corporate management from the perspective of preventing violations of laws and regulations, as it supports risk management systems, including compliance to internal regulations and social norms. The GLTECHNO Group has established "Compliance Regulations" with the aim of ensuring thorough compliance, promoting ways to an ideal company in a more planned and efficient manner, and meeting the expectations of stakeholders.​

We have made the compliance activity one of our basic management policies, and will strive to establish, maintain, and improve our compliance promotion system.

Compliance System

The GLTECHNO Group has established a Compliance Committee that is responsible for planning and formulating compliance measures. The Compliance Committee is chaired by the President and consists of committee members selected from each business division. Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee members also attend as observers. We are continually working to raise compliance awareness through the implementation of appropriate training for the GLTECHNO Group employees and activities aimed at instilling compliance awareness.

Whistleblower hotline

The GLTECHNO Group has established and operates an internal reporting system. We have established an internal reporting system to receive consultations and reports from both inside and outside the company regarding internal misconduct, unfair trading practices, and acts that violate or may violate the ethical code.​

We also have internal regulations stipulating that confidentiality must be maintained and that no one suffers any disadvantage as a result of reporting an issue.

Initiatives to exclude anti-social forces

The directors and employees of the GLTECHNO Group will thoroughly comply with the "GLTECHNO Group Corporate Code of Conduct" and "Compliance Regulations" and will resolutely confront and cut off all ties with anti-social forces and organizations that pose a threat to the order and safety of civic life. As part of our system for excluding anti-social forces, we have appointed a position in the General Affairs Department to be responsible for preventing unreasonable demands, and we will respond in cooperation with external specialist agencies such as police authorities and lawyers.